Holocure Sora Endless Guide

7 min readOct 30, 2022


it’s all here

jd here with a guide to holocure Sora endless and what the optimal build is (for now).

Current endless records (so I at least have some credibility here).
S1 record (4629)
S2 record (4545)
S1H record (4532)

This guide will split up what I believe to be ideal for both the S1 / S2 situations and the S1H. S1H is different since Halu is not necessary thanks to more mobs spawning.

Character: Tokino Sora (Gen 0 JP)
Sora currently is the strongest endless character for a couple reasons, mostly the first one. Her ultimate has unlimited uptime with use of Piki Piki Piman, which allows her to heal indefinitely. Second, she has skills (namely You’re the Enemy Then) that shred enemies.

Sora’s main weakness right now (outside of limited hp) is her ultimate’s wing hit cd of 0.75s. That means that the wings can effect a specific enemy every 0.75s. This might not sound like a long time, but when Yagoos attack and rush in fractions of seconds, it can add up. No wing damage, no healing. I have not discovered a way to juggle Yagoos to where there is more time, and I am not sure if it is feasible over the current method of standing still.

Weapons: Elite Cooking Collab, Wamy Water, Glowstick, Holo Bomb, +1
Listed in order of importance (in my opinion).
Elite Cooking is your main DPS here, able to just chunk through Yagoo HP with its stacking capabilities once you level it up. Unfortunately, the item is very bad before 30 minutes, even with levels. By killing enemies at random and not having the Spider Cooking knockback, it is hard to maintain a Piki Piki Piman fueled endless ultimate rage. With lack of HP ups sometimes pre-30 minutes, it is very frustrating to die to a mob of enemies after not being able to sleepwalk through them (skill issue, surely). The solution, in my opinion, is to wait to collab the Elite Cooking until 29 minutes or so. In doing so, you will have to wait to get the last weapon, but you can also just grab stat levels until then. I have not experienced much of a kill slowdown by doing so either.

After Elite Cooking comes Wamy Water, the weapon that you probably should wait to grab until the collab is finished. By waiting, you are leveling it up during Yagoo waves, which is fine. During the first 10 or so minutes of Yagoo farming, you want them as close as possible to stack Elite Cooking on. The maxed out Wamy Water comes into play much later by pushing them back onto a wing, therefore resetting the wing hit cooldown.

The next two weapons are just AoE DPS stack items. Glowstick has more projectiles, but Holo Bomb does more damage and has a lower attack cooldown + lower hit cooldown. Neither do a ton of damage to Yagoos, but both are nice early on for damage and are the most cost-effective.

The last weapon slot is currently up for grabs. There is no access to another big AoE weapon, so I am not sure what goes here. I like to go Psycho Axe since it cuts inside, but it could be something else. If there are any suggestions to a better last weapon, I would be happy to hear it.

S1 / S2

Items S1/S2: Piki Piki Piman, Halu, Membership, Body Pillow, Headphones, Study Glasses

Items S1H: Piki Piki Piman, Membership, Body Pillow, Headphones, Study Glasses, Super Gorilla Paw / Injection-Type Asacoco

Piki Piki Piman, as mentioned above, allows you to essentially have an infinite ultimate with enough enemies hitting you. The run would not be possible at all without it.

Membership is next unless you can grab a Super Body Pillow, since Membership gives attack bonus as well.

Regular Body Pillow provides more much-needed damage reduction. The shield is not great for this run since you get hit a lot.

Headphones are an item that some do not go for, since most prefer Full Meal instead. While the record S1H run uses Full Meal instead of the last item, Headphones are much better. I do not have data proof, but it does not feel like Full Meal helps that much once you get past a certain point.

Study Glasses, while being arguably the least-important item on this list, are still integral to succeeding, current record be damned. The current strategy relies off EC snowballing, which 30% (40% with Super) increased XP gain definitely helps with. Ankimo pickup works with it too, so you can actually get use out of the bastard stealing all of the XP.

Halu is valuable on S1 and S2 due to the amount of spawns it provides and the ability to farm Yagoo more efficiently in the 30–40 minute timeframe. Halu increases Yagoo strength by roughly one minute (36 min Halu Yagoo is as strong as 37 min Haluless Yagoo). In S1H, Halu is not needed due to there being enough spawns + stronger Yagoos overall leading to them scaling harder.

Super Paw / Injection-Type Asacoco are the replacements for Halu on S1H. Super Paw is preferred due to the amount of Crit Ups you will get, but Injection-Type gives a nice 80% ATK boost (10 ATK up worth) that will help with Yagoo farming immensely.

Current Strategy, Summary, and Thanks

Hopefully I will have a video out soon that shows the current strategy, but it pretty much just goes like this for S1 / S2:

  • Start: Halu (restart for it, do not use more than 1 reroll)
  • Max Weapon
  • Max Skills (You’re the Enemy, Then first, One level in Idol Healing early -before maxing second, Ankimo last)
  • Either early Study Glasses or hope for Super
  • PPP sometime before 6 minutes
  • Membership as soon as possible
  • Hold out on second weapon as long as possible, but eventually try to get Spider Cooking / Holo Bomb / Glowstick
  • Make sure to fully upgrade weapons and items before taking new ones (with exceptions, getting Study Glasses without maxing Halu yet to secure early glasses, or PPP at 6 min without maxing)
  • Always take HP ups when prompted
  • Always take ATK ups when prompted (unless HP available)
  • Always take Haste ups when prompted (unless HP or ATK available)
  • SAVE all Anvils for Elite Cooking
  • Limit the amount of wasted boxes by having multiple items needing to be upgraded or maxing out weapons. The worst thing from a box you can get is a new weapon. At least with an item, it can possibly be a Super.
  • At the 29 min mark, collab to make Elite Cooking. From there, use all the anvils on it until gone.
  • At 30 minutes, just stand still and spam ultimate off cooldown. The Elite Cooking stacks will work.
  • Once you have Wamy Water upgraded, aim it at either the left or right when they start to hurt (ideally 41–42 min). Before then, I am not sure what the best direction to put it in is. On S2, you can aim it down if you are standing near the bottom, but on S1H, there is more testing needed.

S1H has a similar strategy, only you start Glasses since Super Paw / Super Pillow are much more important to try to snag. Instead of Halu, that spot would go to Super Paw or Injection-Type. Other than that, the strategy is relatively the same. This is a fluid guide, with not much set in stone. If anyone has any suggestions for possible improvements, feel free to DM me on discord at jd#0432.

Guide thanks:

  • Me
  • Kay Yu for developing HoloCure.
  • Sora (both the vtuber and the holocure discord user who made the S1H bounty).
  • SunGela for doing runs and advancing the meta (and inspiring me to get my S1H record back).
  • Umbra for listening to my inane theorycrafting despite not being interested in Endless running at all.
  • Riyunk for the (previous) S1 record where Lvl264 was hit, showing me just how strong EC is. Hope you push for the record back.
  • Play / Illustrious_Voyager for recognizing S1H has more potential without Halu. This person pushes the limits of what is good and will undoubtedly find new things to tinker with both now and in the future. Give them a watch if you can.

